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Feb 7, 20226 min read
If reaching your fitness goals seems like an uphill battle - read this
Working with clients for over a decade now, I would say most people have the same fitness goals. They also share the same struggles when...

Feb 7, 20222 min read
Pumpkin cookie dough energy bites
There's two more days left until October and I am in full Halloween mode. I've been coming up with as many pumpkin spice recipes as...

Feb 7, 20228 min read
The bitter reality of sugar
Imagine a world where there was no sugar. Soda, cookies, candy, ice cream, and so on doesn't exist. Not to mention, the coffee shops no...

Feb 7, 20222 min read
The healthiest coffee ice cream you've had in your life
So you've decided to get healthy and all you can think about are all the foods you have to give up. The cookies, pizza, fries,...

Feb 7, 20223 min read
Why I finally got rid of my favorite jeans
Why are jeans everything? They can make or break an outfit. In my case, they are my only outfit since other than workout clothes, they're...
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